“Dr. Shaili Jain, a psychiatrist and author of The Unspeakable Mind: Stories of Trauma and Healing from the Frontlines of PTSD Science, forecasts three particular mental health crises that will need to be addressed once we begin to reckon with the aftermath of the pandemic. The first and most immediate, of course, is coping with the deaths caused by the coronavirus. “The second issue is the economic adversity that’s going to follow,” she told me. “We know from studies we’ve already done in prior decades that massive unemployment and financial distress leads to increases of PTSD.” Jain referenced a 2016 study that showed links between economic hardship between 2001 and 2010, and higher levels of abusive behavior in families, specifically that increased unemployment rates could have increased men’s controlling behavior toward their partners. “The trauma literally trickles down,” she said. (And already, there have been reports of domestic violence rates going up during the pandemic)…”